Membership Advantages

By joining AAUW, you will belong to a community that breaks through educational and economic barriers so that all women have a fair chance.


Why join AAUW Murfreesboro Branch?

  • Membership in AAUW at the local level in the Murfreesboro Branch offers you networking opportunities in Rutherford County and is a means to build lifelong friendships with other professional women. Join us at our social events, such as Coffee and Conversation meetings or the annual Open House, and find a place to speak your passion.
  • Join us to raise funds for great causes, such as our own local salary negotiation workshops for women and scholarships for underrepresented MTSU students.
  • Attend, participate in, and even help plan our educational programming at monthly meetings to help shape the conversation around women’s issues.
  • Advocate for public policy initiatives by joining us on the hill in Nashville, emailing/calling our Rutherford County legislators, and writing letters to the editor.
  • Partner with us to work with other local women’s organizations, expanding our network and our capacity to make a difference.


What does AAUW membership at the national level have to offer?

  • A Strong Voice. AAUW’s 100,000-member voice makes a difference on critical women’s and civil rights issues—briefing policy-makers, spearheading coalitions, and impacting the world through international initiatives and partnerships. Check out all the opportunities for individual action through activities such as the AAUW Capitol Hill Lobby Corps and Two-Minute Activist. AAUW provides you the opportunity to support and be the first to learn about ground-breaking research on women, girls, and education.
  • A Vibrant Community. Wherever you go, you will find a community of friends and professional contacts in AAUW—a powerful local and national network for personal and professional growth. Locate AAUW colleagues from around the world through our AAUW Membership Directory and give back to your local community through projects to benefit women and girls as a branch member. Stay on the pulse of all issues and activities through AAUW’s growing social media network by joining the AAUW Facebook page and group, and following us on Twitter, YouTube, and the AAUW Dialog blog.
  • Relevant Information. AAUW is a trusted source of timely and important information. Our award-winning magazine AAUW Outlook highlights issues and individuals affecting women and girls today. Action Network briefs alert you to congressional actions on issues that can change your life. The AAUW Mission & Action e-newsletter regularly updates members about the work of AAUW and provides information on today’s hot issues and opportunities for activism.


AAUW membership is an incredible value: Representation, Community, Savings, Information, Education, Inspiration. You can find it all as part of AAUW. To enjoy these benefits and more, join AAUW today!

In principle and in practice, AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership and leadership. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin or disability.